

sunnuntai 6. lokakuuta 2019

World off, music BACK ON

can't sleep. I can see the keyboard in front of me while I write my blog posts. I re-read my blog a bit, mostly the tagged ones.
I worry.
Listening to piano ballads on spotify still, am I?
it's late.
Signed up for a halloween bingo.
Periods creeped up on me, or under me.

Not mentioning things in any particular order. I've been caught up in other people lately. does not do good for me to dwell on their business. My speech diarrhea is something unbeliavable already anyways

I haven't posted about my souvenirs from California. I got stuff that's like straight from an article of what to bring. Crisps(chips?) and chocolate and a tshirt from Venice Beach. The bag of crisps says Miss Vickie's and chocolate Astor. Not had a taste yet.
My birthday wasn't about me. Mostly it was about their trip through America from NY to LA on motorbikes. Almost getting lost in Detroit, the most dangerous city in the world when looking for a toilet.. I had to listen to that bullshit about how nobody recycles and doesn't give a damn about global warming and then met two vegetarian environmentalists by cafeteria straight after which was like bombarding me with opposite views. On my 31th birthday. It had nothing to do with me.

Fuck that I have a weight to battle with. and my own Sleeping Beauty diet.

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