TRIGGER WARNING: strong opinions about your beloved pets! (or pests?) but long have they reigned
Finished watching Cats (2019). I never knew anything about the musical. Costumes maybe and the creature, cat. I love dogs and prefer those. Never really made friends with a cat. Fine taste. Too refined. Too hairy cough balls. self-absorbed maniacs. I do enjoy sadistically watching at ugly kittens of pinterest or the new tiktok and youtube trendy kitty torture method: the foil!, on top of places you don't want cat to walk over.
My only cat I was around when I was a kid belonged to a character in a book who was an ugly know-it-all and, the cat turned out to be half another magical creature.
I liked or enjoyed the music but not being into dancing myself, I see they made it look "not-akward" in the sense that cats are agile and resemble something to be worshiped as much as any wealthy r&b star worshipes money. So I get the musical connections to Egypt.
Still was kind of left wondering what the hell really happened in the end. Given a new life? Isn't that what every religion and advert promises really. Cats were supposed to have 9, how many can we steal from them! To be honest. I love mysteries but cats aren't just mysterious enough. I am easy person to avoid. And I should bring that carnivore meat every day if I kept one. Worst sides of having a hamster was cleaning it's cage and I can't stand pee smell for too long. I'd rather your breath stinks like poo.
Cat eyes, too interesting, though mesmerized me on my keyboard again I have sensor bar to give away. It was left over (kinda crucial part) from the wii I sold years ago. Then retrieve that amidst the Xmas decorations. Buy cigarettes. I will. Last another hour.
Tekstit ovat suomalaisen naisen päiväkirjamerkintöjä, joissa hän kirjoittaa arkielämästään, harrastuksistaan ja ajatuksistaan. Hän jakaa paljon omia mielipiteitään ja kokemuksiaan, joista osa liittyy henkiseen terveyteen, elämänarvoihin ja yhteiskuntakritiikkiin. Hän kirjoittaa myös paljon harrastuksistaan, kuten postikorttien lähettämisestä, kirjojen lukemisesta ja peleistä. Tekstin tyyli on avoin, suora ja henkilökohtainen.
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