

tiistai 16. kesäkuuta 2020

Something different (pic post) hit that "read more"

Theme of this post: EVENTS

Finland and the uk in no specifical "get to know me" order 
with 3 songs!
1. Snow patrol - Run
heard it far away on isle of wight where the festival was going on
2. Alexander Rybak - Suomi
because goosebumps guaranteed almost every time
3. Primal Scream. Country Girl
same reason as the first one perhaps

festival ruisrock turku first and my last
class meeting turku
name giving
my host mums on iow
missed class photo in osthrobothnia
donkey bridge with little bro peeking under me coming home from grocery shopping
Finnish high school graduating eventfulness I took no part in just drunk
visiting London
theme park in Finland, touristy stuff of London mid 2000's
touring in a trailer or caravan to East Finland beaches since 1yo

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