

sunnuntai 10. tammikuuta 2021

The point which never was

What is life without my fave celebs catfishing me with fake accounts. Their faces belong in my inbox. I took like 5 minutes and drew his mugshot for the first time. Why can't my crushes just stay buried in my teenage schizo heart. He's not made social media appearances since Christmas though. He could be anywhere but I don't believe it's USA not while there's a pandemic going on.

Besides. It must be late there. The scammer is probably in my time zone. Somewhere in Africa. Waiting to get hands on my moneys. Dunno. I did fall for some stupid scam over ten years ago. There was a lot of them around then. Never open your spam mail!
Uh, I have nothing to say to the real person actually. I've just admired his talent on the reality tv show like 14 years ago and bought his book last year. Read it. I'd be too shy to say anything at him, to him, nope. Sure it's a laugh. But... not going to jump head first into this and dedicate whole Sunday for it

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