downloaded my data. how interesting of people to try exploit it...
Interest Categories
Pizza Lovers |
Political News Watchers |
Women's Lifestyle |
Yoga Enthusiasts |
Women's Fashion Shoppers |
Action & Thriller Genre Fans |
Clubbers & Party People |
Pet & Animal Lovers |
Frequent Travelers |
Candy & Sweets Lovers |
Hipsters & Trendsetters |
Discount & Thrifty Shoppers |
Shopping Mall Shoppers |
Arts & Culture Mavens |
Luxury Shoppers |
Meme Watchers |
Cosmetics Shoppers |
Puzzle Gamers |
New Phone Seekers |
Comedy Fans |
Home Decoristas |
Indie & Foreign Film Fans |
Investors & Entrepreneurs |
Beer Drinkers |
Crime & Mystery Genre Fans |
Department Store Shoppers |
Film & TV Fans |
Fashion & Style Gurus |
Casual & Mobile Gamers |
Beauty Mavens |
Foodies |
Cooking Enthusiasts |
Fitness Enthusiasts |
Talk Show Fans |
Fun Trivia & Quiz Fanatics |
Travel Enthusiasts |
Sneakerheads |
Automotive Enthusiasts |
Men's Fashion Shoppers |
Bookworms & Avid Readers |
Teen & Young Adult Genre Fans |
Outdoor & Nature Enthusiasts |
Men's Lifestyle |
Sci-fi & Fantasy Fans |
Family Genre Fans |
Talent & Competition Show Fans |
Photographers |
News Watchers |
Do-It-Yourselfers |
Jewelry & Watch Shoppers |
Coffee Lovers |
Big Box Shoppers |
Music Fans |
Wellness & Healthy Lifestyle |
Online Shoppers |
Shoppers |
Money Minders |
Gamers |
Fast Food Junkies |
Drama Genre Fans |
Advocates & Activists |
Battle Combat & FPS Gamers |
Social Drinkers |
Reality TV Fans |
Oral Care Shoppers |
Parents & Family-Focused |
Trivia Gamers |
Celebrity News Watchers |
Comics & Animation Fans |
Chat Fiction Enthusiasts |
Soft Drink Consumers |
Horror Genre Fans |
Wine Enthusiasts |
Romance & Rom-Com Fans |
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