Another move
My landlords want to renovate. I don’t have a debit score. I need to save money for the rest of the year if I want money for a deposit to rent. My benefits are in some sort of danger to be cut out because I must go to a course to assess my rehabilitation to work. I have not worked in over 10 years if ever. I want to live to be 60-years-old, I want stability, I don’t want romance and I have kind of quit sex working gradually just down to once a month oral thing just to get that 50 euros extra for expenses. My only fans are a joke to me. I have way too much stuff and I need to do the dishes and laundry again. Have not bought new clothes since March. Well, I have saved clothes from going to landfill. I am obese, I wear glasses, I’m short, I own a hamster as a pet, I smoke. I have perhaps one friend. I love dogs and they love me. I am thinking of starting a new blog. I mean, before and after pictures of cleaning and doing chores and decluttering for starters. The McHampster’s terrarium was cleaned today and she was happy. Yesterday I had fun getting drunk with my best friend whose mental health is not the most pleasant and we usually argue and fight but she’s truthful and knows I have a heart in the right place. I am somewhat practical but like a prank. If I know what I want I will get it. I don’t get nightmares anymore about moving houses. I had psychotherapy and talked it over. I have just moved a lot when I was younger to different houses and in many addresses and though I want that stability, my landlords can by law give me 6 months to pack up and leave. I should find somewhere else to live. It is a process that is soon and I must prepare. Small cheap flat near services and transport but not in any ghetto where it is easy to acquire and use drugs. I’m not outgoing.
Perceiving. Look at the big picture and how I hate details.
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