Into the void it goes, water under the bridge. At least my work chair has a good spin!
Thee Christmas carrds x33
I wait here. Lots of time before lights go out and hamster gets active. Tonight. I will have to hand her the wheel she's stopped using. It was colder.
I know not much about grammar or other word police stuff at least I don't like to think about that too hard.
Hmm, if I have to slow down and play a game, I've at least done one thing today half through, I mean I had such a list of to-do's
wash hair, ice-skating, bleach dye, dishes give to love to my kitchenette?
Not sure why I gain weight, must be that I binge eat later, can't consume so much just making typos and thinking of what was in the news 3-4 days ago. What's on my lips, stays on the "muffin-top"less hips,,
I did a robotic dance today. Glad I'm not seen. On the other hand it's what invisible inviting celebrities, do do dodo dodoododododo dooodood odododood tootd
hashtag looks once at them and ignores the post, ignores, knows my evening was bored
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