I have received 3 extra postcards already from postcrossing. I wonder how that works? Do I send more? I haven't put my cards in pockets in the folder yet, they are just laying around. I haven't taken down a few Christmas cards either... I haven't really done much after getting back home, though. I ate chocolate and crisps last night and for breakfast, so I'm still not hungry. I could maybe sip some water.
I should clean, do dishes, organise. I am waiting for a new bus card in the mail, because I lost the one I'd had since 2014. I can't go anywhere but I don't need to either. What do I do? Sleep, turn on the heater if I get a bit chilly on the couch. I have a few cigarettes on the balcony every now and then. I don't have showers, read books, put on makeup, watch my streaming services. I don't even tweet or follow news. I need to at least wash my hair... I got some new shampoos and conditioners
I guess I have 2 months time to do the checkup that Kela needs to pay me the right amount of housing benefits. I am not sure if my rent is going up, haven't asked. I did get a call from my best friend back but she's busy, moody and forgetful and we mostly talk about covid and not being able to meet even though I want to give her the presents from the holidays.
What else. My social circles aren't that big. I think I overheard a conversation on the phone, some of it being about me, but nothing too bad. I just exist. Cost taxpayers some money, no biggie. Sure I'd love to work I just don't have ten years of experience. I am not an ironed professional of logistics.
Just maybe, I'll put on my airpods and listen to an audiobook, instead of going back to snoozing. Great if I get a glass of water. No coffee today, no breakfast. I did buy 100 euros worth of stuff and food just yesterday, don't know where to start after the yummiest and most fattening stuff is gone. Carrots, salad, raddish, sweet peas. Sour cream rice biscuits with smoked salmon, spread with herb flavored cream cheese? Crepes with jam? Heat in the microwave a fish soup? On new years eat all the potato salad. I can't eat more pig or mulled wine or the fake home crafted low alcoholic beer they sell. I've had too much cheese buns, too much white cheese. That's what unlimited food does, it doesn't really get any better but you might even get tired of eating your favorites...
4pm already and it's dark. It's supposed to get a cuckoo's step lighter earlier each day but realistically perhaps a minute. Need more sun rays, UV, to kill all more of the viruses that love the wet and cold
But yeah how to wake myself up and get shit done if I don't really want too
I should clean, do dishes, organise. I am waiting for a new bus card in the mail, because I lost the one I'd had since 2014. I can't go anywhere but I don't need to either. What do I do? Sleep, turn on the heater if I get a bit chilly on the couch. I have a few cigarettes on the balcony every now and then. I don't have showers, read books, put on makeup, watch my streaming services. I don't even tweet or follow news. I need to at least wash my hair... I got some new shampoos and conditioners
I guess I have 2 months time to do the checkup that Kela needs to pay me the right amount of housing benefits. I am not sure if my rent is going up, haven't asked. I did get a call from my best friend back but she's busy, moody and forgetful and we mostly talk about covid and not being able to meet even though I want to give her the presents from the holidays.
What else. My social circles aren't that big. I think I overheard a conversation on the phone, some of it being about me, but nothing too bad. I just exist. Cost taxpayers some money, no biggie. Sure I'd love to work I just don't have ten years of experience. I am not an ironed professional of logistics.
Just maybe, I'll put on my airpods and listen to an audiobook, instead of going back to snoozing. Great if I get a glass of water. No coffee today, no breakfast. I did buy 100 euros worth of stuff and food just yesterday, don't know where to start after the yummiest and most fattening stuff is gone. Carrots, salad, raddish, sweet peas. Sour cream rice biscuits with smoked salmon, spread with herb flavored cream cheese? Crepes with jam? Heat in the microwave a fish soup? On new years eat all the potato salad. I can't eat more pig or mulled wine or the fake home crafted low alcoholic beer they sell. I've had too much cheese buns, too much white cheese. That's what unlimited food does, it doesn't really get any better but you might even get tired of eating your favorites...
4pm already and it's dark. It's supposed to get a cuckoo's step lighter earlier each day but realistically perhaps a minute. Need more sun rays, UV, to kill all more of the viruses that love the wet and cold
But yeah how to wake myself up and get shit done if I don't really want too
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