Eurovision was rigged but we did ok with a rock song. I'm finishing a swap now. I already had crafted it just needed an address and other stamps of approval. Why do I always have to send to Canada! I remember it was the priciest place to send anything.... i went to the gym today, and mom brought me food. Watched Morbius. Playing with my hamster, I think she approves of my mother. I heard you got some Buffalo shootings? Elon not buying Twitter? What's the news? Here we have Turkey halting our NATO application. Hockey games were on, missed those. I don't think there's a victory parade going on anywhere, so what's to be expected? It's late. I haven't had time to shower after gym! I could get ill. Tomorrow it's my mental health injection day in the morning that's every 4 weeks. On Thursday I'm meeting a Best Buddies intl guide in a cafe for pairing up with a disabled person as one of those good things you do... not charity, inclusive, like endorsement.. no? It's been too long I've LinkedIn's.. oops I was meant to send my cv .. email it to the.. Well, peoples representing capitalism, I dunno, not the boss of me. She has a non-disclosure about anything I like to tell her, though. Isn't that nice.
Tekstit ovat suomalaisen naisen päiväkirjamerkintöjä, joissa hän kirjoittaa arkielämästään, harrastuksistaan ja ajatuksistaan. Hän jakaa paljon omia mielipiteitään ja kokemuksiaan, joista osa liittyy henkiseen terveyteen, elämänarvoihin ja yhteiskuntakritiikkiin. Hän kirjoittaa myös paljon harrastuksistaan, kuten postikorttien lähettämisestä, kirjojen lukemisesta ja peleistä. Tekstin tyyli on avoin, suora ja henkilökohtainen.
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