

torstai 30. kesäkuuta 2022

Well prepared is half the job done

Got mail today from museo shop in Finland. I had bought a book. Then I got my swap with tea and postcards. I need to leave my rating on it on the
My friend called about tomorrows English lessons. I've been picking up materials here and there. One book was in storage downstairs. It felt cool to the touch at first which was nice. The book:

I'm bringing my whiteboard with me maybe, some little books, and magazines. She's hauling used elementary books and dictionaries too. Maybe I should give her work as I skim through what she's brought. I guess I could bring paper too. I have a lot of paper. It should be a student's job to bring pens and paper, but oh well. It's just the two of us in her kitchen. I hope there is light. I hope I have the energy to be vocal and use my knowledge of the language. It's been a while I've been giving lessons. Last time I had some material from some BBC learning center when I held a class for young mental health patients at a low threshold day activities place. It was in 2017. Then I've tried a few times to give lessons but nothing very lucrative

It is a bit of a mess so far. The only sentence I remember her saying in English is 'Fuck off!'

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"Kiitos paljon, että otit aikaa lukeaksesi ja kommentoidaksesi kirjoitustani! Arvostaisin, jos voisit pitää kommenttisi ystävällisenä ja positiivisena. Kiitos myös, että tarkistat oikeinkirjoituksen ennen julkaisemista!"
