

lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2022

random has the most information in it, so make sense nobility nee (wrong like ass, who?)

 *headpalm* *palmon* *not growing old just evolving* *thou shall not kill*

Listening to accuradio songs about dreaming, sleep, etc. Apparently Ive listened to all the genres of music in 2021 from Spotify. How many music genres are there?? Well, almost as many as there are countries in the world XD

What else? Inappropriate twerps and tweetage on twitterversum.

I'm my parents' only child, and they weren't even together but it's been 16 years since I turned 18.

– Unbirthday parties were plenty. Gained weight from eating almost three full cakes in a month. A chocolate mint cheese cake, strawberry and caramel ones... I don't have three families, my best friend got the third one. Everyone has been superbly generous to me. If I was any wiser, I'd have saved all the money. But no, I support the economy. Nobody tells me how often to bleach my hair either, cuz they've no idea about how long a project it is tbh. A year? Chemicals are pretty popular in households. If I forget to put on deodorant for one day of work, it makes no difference to anything - some people forget house keys, close their doors properly, or themselves indoors...

my miserable summer of 2022 shines on. Honk... honk... hmmm, walking is as dangerous as being a jerk... hobbies. Never going to Herwood again?

*thinks hard and ends up being incomrehensible coz that's how I'd roll....*

piglatin. excuse mon francaise, mademoiselles and finlandaise sauce.

testing. testing. I slept like 5 hours. I read news that if you sleep 5 hours every night, you'll expose yourself to more health problems as you age....

but I can't just have my funny dreams back. *something about blood*

but yeah if I wanteds to sense make, I'd be the trillioneth visitor onto my blog site... after all, it isn't even mine <3

Letting go, I'm finding ways so. No one's plot twist down under world cup of idiotic ball toss on a field of humanity. I am a representative of my sign of earth, I'm sensible, which of course is hard to not be for me.. crazy is as crazy does. Won't even mind flattery as a form of mockery, yeah eh?

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