

torstai 6. kesäkuuta 2024

Anyone but yourself will believe stuff about you

 Maybe love is the key to seeing dreams of people in your life. First I saw a dream of my Daddy going under the covers with a blonde friend of his and had to allow them to fu*k. It was horrible and woke all tense from the muffled sobbing. I didn’t cry though. Then I was at some sort of summer camp with rumpjopes and my little sister being small wanting to ride someone’s shoulders. I also met with my mum to a church employer with a plan for us. We could move back to Ostrobothnia or that area where I spent my terrible teenage years, of which I got super mad and told her she hadn’t even paid me rent all year. She immediately spent me money and I got over a thousand rebursement too from something so I was rich but didn’t have time to enjoy that. Was walking away with the aunt who once attacked me leveling my teeth with her fist when I was 17, who was complaining that my grandma didn’t reply to her calls anymore. So, simply pretty much a lot of family were in my dream. I only had the last dream because I heard it was raining outside and went back to sleep. 

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