
maanantai 8. heinäkuuta 2024

Be brave, they said. Oh ok trigger warning: I am not the energetic Tigger from a childrens tale

 **Choosing Who You Spend Time With: Navigating Relationships in a Modern World**

In a recent conversation with my English teacher, I found myself reflecting deeply on a simple yet profound question: "Who chooses the people you hang out with?" It took me a while to formulate an answer, as my thoughts on this topic are both intricate and multifaceted.

**Redefining Relationships**

For starters, I've recently distanced myself from a longtime friend. Once my closest confidante, she's become an ardent supporter of views I strongly oppose. Her racist, pro-Trump stance made me realize the importance of aligning my relationships with my values. This decision, though tough, was necessary for my peace of mind and personal integrity.

Family remains a constant presence in my life. They offer a sense of familiarity and professional wisdom that I value. Additionally, I engage with a diverse array of individuals online, from penpals and followers who appreciate my photos to a secret lover from my twenties. These interactions, although varied, enrich my social experience in unique ways.

**Life Lessons and Personal Responsibility**

Reflecting on my mother’s wisdom, I see truth in her belief that everyone in our lives teaches us something. Whether by destiny or sheer effort, maintaining these relationships requires work. Yet, it's crucial to remember that we are ultimately responsible for our own happiness. This involves striking a balance between being open to others and setting boundaries to protect our well-being.

**The Value of Solitude**

I’ve learned that it's better to be alone than to constantly bear the burden of initiating contact. While I enjoy engaging in mental monologues and online chats, I'm also content with the occasional interaction with family and acquaintances. This approach prevents the exhaustion that comes from always being the one to reach out.

**Living in Our Own Bubbles**

Ultimately, everyone lives in their own little bubble, shaped by their experiences and choices. I’ve become selective about who I allow into my life, preferring those whose presence adds value rather than drains it. This discernment has led me to embrace solitude when necessary, finding comfort in my own company.

Navigating relationships in today's world is complex, but by understanding who we choose to spend our time with and why, we can foster more meaningful connections and cultivate a happier, more fulfilled life.

(Rephrasal from ChatGPT for blogging purposes)

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