

maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

Can I have one more like, please?

 You gotta be kitten me!!

Non-wireless charging, please start and work and keep doing your only job! Almost ran outta batteries. Doing short videos. Literally running out. Always. Because I like to kill lithium ion.

Made a tiktok pic dump of 110 memes or photos I stole from the internet and each one shows like 1/10 second or something, cuz it last 16 seconds. This is how bored I am. (And I got a strike.) 

Besides listening to audiobooks and heating pea soup or mixing marmelade in my oatmeal, I witnessed a big spider eating a moth or butterfly... have yet to identify the species. Lives on my balcony.

Haven't done anything mention worthy. Weighed myself in the morning. I have forgot if I have finished my one week challenge of making my bed. Hopped on my vintage stationary bike for then minutes around ten.

It should be later already. I want to fastforward to Friday, but not like in the Click movie. I just want to pay my bills and get on with that. I've quit smoking, fizzy drinks, treating myself (fatty stuff like crisps, ice cream, chocolate, cookies...) yet it's not doing a fucking difference.

Indifference kills faster than cancer, peoples!!

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