This coach Csabi on TikTok live speaking about confidence all morning or his late night. He coaches people to speak fluent English. Learning to learn, not having negative thoughts, not being a perfectionist or controling everything. Doing the work. Loving yourself. Being comfortble doing mistakes. Becoming a professional? I sent him a 9 coin taco gift. He's from Hungary but lived in the uk and now somewhere in Spanish speaking Americas. "There is no confidence without courage." Create or fuck up your future
Don't even need clues. LMAO. We be playing password? I need to stop scrolling and get on with speaking and maybe start podcast after I speak out loud what I wrote. Except it's not as easy to just think yourself doing it after delaying so long...
I always wanted to be fluent in English ever since I still had picture books and could read basic subtitles. I wanted to remember a word after the first time I ever heard it. Memorise? I remember one of my first English books. It had a story and vocabulary like parrot, vulcano... those are still my favorite words. Parrots learn languages when they get spooked by loud noises and then repeat those words. So the more words a parrot knows, the more it's been abused maybe? Can't recall how I learned that.
Oh yeah! Soon it's August. Had to ask my dad for some money to buy a home delivery of sweets last night. I just was craving so bad. I ate my German souvenir candies. Had nothing else. I still have one Yorkie bar I won't eat before some nuclear fallout outside.
So? Writing and speaking out loud and recording but warm-up first. Whose up?
Burp. I did a quick 3 minute episode. Refreshing from always doing Tiktoks' to download audacity and edit .wav (or mp3) and then, then upload it to Spotify... except... I much preferred the previous app where you could choose background music to your episodes. Can't remember what it were called... my first podcast was in 2008 on podomatic. I was living with grandparents and all I did online was deemed shit.
Also meanwhile my comment in "psychiatry criticism" fb group about psychiatrists: (translated)
They come up with all the subjectively offensive stuff without investigating or asking anything, just assume and accuse the patient that the things she says are not true. They create some kind of narrative, a clinical disturbing unflattering, discomforting story about my life, with which they justify my medical treatment. My life is not a "house of cards" but "I would stand on my head" if I didn't have to be in there... besides, I didn't "experience meaningful experiences from the band's music" but I said I didn't want to talk about it
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