

sunnuntai 18. elokuuta 2024

A warm hug from stigmas of society

 Dentist tomorrow. Got to drop some lettters in the mail. Going to buy stamps at the post office on the envelopes. It will be expensive. I already spent so much this month and I can't afford fattening things. I ate a chocolate bar for breakfast that was a souvenir from an airport in London. It had an expire date this August. Then I made a protein smoothie and got a brainfreeze. Ate an apple too. Not sure I have the energy to do post office today. I might go tomorrow morning before dentist. See how I feel. I get so sweaty from even taking the rubbish out. Walking to the end of this building and back. I should do some stationary biking again for a few minutes to try keep my fitness up. I slept until like 2pm today so... just brainrotting.

I didn't blog yesterday. I made rice. I never cook and eat rice. I still have some in the fridge. And a spinach pancake, there's one left, but no lingonberry jam. I slept with my hair wet after a shower in the evening and that didn't promise me a good night's sleep. With my sleep apnea machine I slept ten hours or more. Don't know when I took it off. There was a dog barking for hours. I couldn't sleep. When I wrote about it in a letter, it stopped. I'm a weirdough.

Mom sent me an instagram post. Something about "never mock anyone with mental health issues, they are badasses for having to fight with their own minds all the time" or whatever. Bleh.

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"Kiitos paljon, että otit aikaa lukeaksesi ja kommentoidaksesi kirjoitustani! Arvostaisin, jos voisit pitää kommenttisi ystävällisenä ja positiivisena. Kiitos myös, että tarkistat oikeinkirjoituksen ennen julkaisemista!"
