

lauantai 24. elokuuta 2024

British well-off guy thinks he has something to teach about life lessons

 Read another ten percent of a book. It took me an hour to read chapters 5-9 or something... #MyRudeAwakeningECFeatherstoneAnEnglishmansJourney The chapters were well thought of, and it was easy to rest between them.

But! This Featherstone fellow character is turning out pretty cliché. I highlight things of how privileged the main character is, or tacky. 

  1. Beauty being under the skin and calling it "enamoured" the more aroused he gets.
  2.  Getting a porsche for his eighteenth birthday.
  3. Being good at everything he does. A businessman, a gentleman, growing up story of an only child who thinks he wasn't coddled. Knowing his surroundings all the time.
  4. Having a six-pack of muscle... 
  5. Even making me cry because his dog died. 
  6. Sounds like somebody just researched how you flied helicopters the way he learned it. 
  7. A rubik's cube, really? I was waiting for him to excel in things like that instinctively too.
  8. &even have sex with his friend's mum. It's a slow burn I hope towards the "affairs"

The cover reminds me a bit of a Swedish edition of Obama's memoir about his father that I once picked up. I couldn't have chosen a more challenging book to read in Swedish. This one, however, I’m reading in English, sometimes aloud. I’ve already learned a new word—appreciably, meaning 'notably' or 'significantly.' In second chapter I've also noted that emphatic doesn't mean empathetic but rather something spoken with clear and strong emphasis. It's the second new word I’ve picked up from this book, which I love because learning new words the first time I encounter them, especially in English, is something I enjoy. It's not my native language so I'm slower than usual to read. Not devouring the words just wanting a simple, basic understanding in this well edited piece.

As for the story, in the early stages you are dealing with the childhood, sports, and military depictions. The rural British landscape is not the easiest to engage with, and I find myself yawning occasionally, but I'm trying to grasp the significance behind these settings. I’ve heard there’s an affair later in the book, so I’ll need to push past these initial scenes to get to the more intriguing parts. I am not young anymore and the only thing I'm looking forward to is the adult content. This book might still disappoint me, like the way reading Lord of the Rings did when I was ten years old. Having to turn back pages because the ring had been destroyed and I missed the culmination of the book. Except that this is a part one. High hopes that the man finds true love in some form or another, haha? I don't know if I will continue reading. At least for today I feel enough! +Could use a table of contents. Right now it might as well of have been written by King Charles. Obviously not with his swollen fingers... or is it?

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