

lauantai 10. elokuuta 2024

Good girls have thick skin but flatter stomachs ie. impossible attitudes

Huh? Misogyny and male trauma, abuse and romance, I'm being triggered by an online troll in a weightloss group, (and this book I've almost finished) that make unfair presumptions about female bodies and our problems without understanding our right to be loud against these incel type of spammers about necessary, life preserving fat; – as if women didn't need muscles or calories, as if magically women get smaller easier and not men, who drink beer and eat sausages. Sarcasm: What do they expect? If you blow a brain out with a gun, you can't get their brain back into their skulls, but... you might become a neurosurgeon with a lot of issues...
Women get anorexia easier. I could live with that misconception. Statistically. Spammers and trolls, misinformation, perhaps... I have a burn out from being outcast from society, my problems are easier than if I was male. I'd be dead if I was male. I hate men because I'm from Venus and my Mars is in Aries?
I just want to shut people up and then I'm worried when I'm alone and it's too quiet... Toxic internet with it's arguments about your rights you take for granted.
You have more in common with a hobo than a billionaire. /been called spam by both platforms, facebook and former Twitter now
Temperament of assholes with big beliefs about themselves. Never hit a woman just a bit of rape and destroying of their property, life and financial situation. Ugly and fat I can take as conclusion. They'd be too proud to admit how stupid I was, because abusers don't feel remorse and are not sorry. Not really. No loving, nothing wonderful about them. Truly, really, peacefully, finally... get past those that slow you down
I slow myself down. But that's parts two and 0½
Good physical fitness is not an achievement to psychiatrists at all, they can't believe what is right in front of them. Poor mental health is a disability but not an excuse to break rules... well, who didn't make the rules, since you are on the internet not believing all you read.

My negativity is gripplingly morbid sometimes but I write angry letters to the world every day in my own passive, lethargic way of a monster of a witch... suffering happily from insults I will remember forever since I never get compliments as everyone hates me, master of nothing. Unaware of being hostile, erratic volatile and unsettled...
Manic depressive. Mostly sad and bullied and it all explodes in writing, my rants. These none of your business same thoughts going around every day
Culminating in being triggered since nothing ever changes. It's a fantasy, an illusion, hopeful thinking that women would lose weight easier. But it's mostly sick and perverted and only sexist men could think something as ridiculous up about bodies they see weaker and don't understand how resilient all women are, do all the footwork in society, give life and win at the social game.

 Different shit, all the same anxiety. 
Look it up from a health information book. 7700 calories is a kilogram lost, your metabolism or gender has little effect unless you are pregnant but even then a parasite baby is taking some of the energy to grow. Don't love something that isn't it's own person yet and doesn't breathe with it's own lungs unless you are like super hormonal. I can't love a man. I can't love anybody. I did want 9 kids but social workers said the kid would be taken away from me.

The society ever done anything for me. Burn witch, burn *pouts*

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