

lauantai 3. elokuuta 2024

if you wish to go to the forest now you might be pleasantly surprised

  •  I did some selfies today and coz I'm a autosexual or a closeted narcissist it turned me on to edit them with the perfect365 app I bought a years' pro version of too (not that I was wanking at my photos, didn't even have my phone with me)

  •  Fear of succulent growing a long asparagus in continuation of itself. I hadn't noticed it's growth spurt from behind the curtains but like, do I cut it off? It is unnatural. If I was a dog, I'd bark at it to get back in the dirt.
  • Updated my robot vacuum maid. It went twice behind the couch and then said it was done even though there's a whole another room left.
  • Not sure if I've been very active at anything else today just cleaning my own mess. Ate too much. Like maybe 6000 calories of cheese buns and ice cream. My gut microbiome is... can it be salvaged with a bit of kimchi?

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