I have a foot that likes to start to fall asleep from under me, if I walk too far or stand too long. A kilometer or an hour, give or take. Counted stupid calories today and only got less than 900 so far. I just have to look away from a screen too fast and I'll feel dizziness... hehe. But I'm not starving, my face was just numb from jaw to ear on the left side where they were doing very good dentistry... it looks good even though they found an even bigger cavity underneath an old hole. There were two next to each other. She didn't give me any bad prep about how I've been brushing or any further motivation either, so that's good that it was just that.
I did an hour of dishes after almost finishing the series Married At First Sight Australia. I got a free week to watch it from mtv3 Katsomo. It's been on that channel weekdays 8pm. A lot of episodes! I felt like they were getting dressed most of the shots time. That or adverts, or the show-stopping drama. Anyway just the last episode left I believe
Kinda jealous of gen Z eyebrows being like a full bush when, when I was a teen I still as a millennial plucked them thinner. Other thing is I put on socks today that weren't ankle socks, but grey and higher. Accidentally found them in my sock drawer? I don't know much about socks, gen Z just apparently prefers crew socks. Crew socks make me think of tourists in sandals and those socks in an old cringe way.
Siis tämän täytyy olla v***i mutta chatGPT varmaan osaa kertoa mitä tossa oli:
Blogikirjoituksessasi kerrot päivän haasteista ja havainnoista. Mainitset jalkasi puutuvan pitkän kävelyn tai seisomisen jälkeen, syöneesi alle 900 kaloria ja tuntevasi huimausta, kun katsot nopeasti pois näytöltä. Kävit hammaslääkärissä, jossa kasvosi puutuivat, mutta lopputulos oli hyvä, vaikka toinen kahdesta reiästä oli odotettua isompi.
Melkein saatettuasi päätökseen "Ensitreffit alttarilla Australia" -sarjan MTV3 Katsomosta, teit tunnin ajan tiskit. Pohdit sukupolvien välisiä eroja kulmakarvatrendeissä ja sukissa, ja tunnet hieman kateutta Z-sukupolven tuuheammista kulmakarvoista ja heidän mieltymyksestään vartalovartisiin sukkiin, jotka tuovat mieleesi vanhanaikaisemman tyylin.
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