Took out the trash, spun a pokestop and put one at a gym after taking down one pokemon. Also recycled my cardboard. Have made lasagna today in the air fryer. Whilst on the subject of sustinance.... I drank at least four cups of tea and read 4 chapters of a book. After watching Married at first sight AUS latest episode online beforehand of tonight. Listened to a bit of podcast on my ten minute (barely) stationary bike pedaling. Maybe woke up around one in the afternoon? Then took a shower, washed my hair. That's how eventually we got to the getting rid of food-for-bananaflies bag of trash. Had to get out, even if for a few steps...
The book I started was... oh wait, I've got an iOS update? When I came on my laptop earlier to decide whether or not to get a streaming service, it was frozen and restarted?
I've got a lot of August left even if that's a broad term. It's late, I've taken the rest of today's diabetes drugs. I haven't had time for my sexuality today I don't think... haha, I still need to take a snap for my daddy for the streak that's nearly four hundred days. I wish he was the love of my life, but I just don't got anything that compares. I thought about him in there, when they were taking a scan of my brain or MRI or whatsit called. Sure, my ex was an Aquarius fire dragon... but he's... he's... well he isn't the British good kisser whose my destined... well, that cheesy book called it the Holy Grail. It's different for all, that's all, if anything at all
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