

torstai 5. syyskuuta 2024

eat, think, love and other famous weightloss master slogans

 It has been, or could be around 68 weeks since I "turned off comments" by accident because apparently they provided more "value" than my posts.

I am supposed to dye my hair a golden brown. I could be eating pez candy. I could keep chugging down my beverage of choice. But nah, I have this stupid blog right now. I have been getting better quickly from my common cold or whatever. Doubt it could be covid, not that it matters.

On my browser game, our guild came third in this adventure. That's a steady steep uphill progress I've had in the game for a couple of years now. Not that I seem to go much anywhere. The orcs are just as bad a race as elves were. (Don't tell Galadriel. Lmao)

What else... morning weight was lower again. I shouldn't be losing weight with 2500 calories of corn chips and cheese twist crispy puffiness and white bread.

I have been writing things in English on some communities and platforms or apps and whatever. Why do I keep doing that, to get more readers? To boast how exceptionally well-educated mind I've got? Ha! You wait for something to happen like the resurrection of Christ and when you get it you might actually want to puke how badly it was done and the cast were a joke.

1 kommentti:

"Kiitos paljon, että otit aikaa lukeaksesi ja kommentoidaksesi kirjoitustani! Arvostaisin, jos voisit pitää kommenttisi ystävällisenä ja positiivisena. Kiitos myös, että tarkistat oikeinkirjoituksen ennen julkaisemista!"
