
maanantai 30. syyskuuta 2024

Error occured

Collected three mission downtown in Pokemon Go to trade a pokemon. Reward is a rare candy. Maybe I'll trade with myself tomorrow and get three rare candies. Also been playing Palia and have too many quests already. I went to do one of them but it threw me out of the server as I was going to the ruins and threw me in some random location instead. Had to pay fast travel to home. Sucks!
Today was at my cognitive therapy group. Not many more weeks left. Before going I went to post offfice to mail my 100 used stamps. Had to write up a customs label. I had soup lunch in the building where the group was. Group was a bit +-=0 but at least I know that my mathematical logical analyzing skills are crap nowadays
Also had to make up 4-letter words starting with s. I was pretty proud of sinä, söpö, setä, sana, sävy words. I need to plan book reading into my routine apparently too- I just don't seem to be able to start?
Felt kinda nauseous after lunch. Made a big bowl of salad, tomato and cucumber and light herb dressing and it helped a lot. Shouldn't have bought the chocolate bar though. Especially after birthday dinner's gourging and frozen cake. I gotta stop smoking again, might've added to my nausea.
Not much going on. Can haz go pick up a parcel. Probably has my 30cent halloween hand from aliexpress. Everyone forgets that shop, it's all temu and shein nowadays mentioned (I haven't used temu once and won't)
Kinda obsessed about Palia on my switch but it's not the best experiences from it. What else.... anyway...k. Got nothing on my brain. No focus. Just in-game focus...

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