
tiistai 22. lokakuuta 2024

Story of my life

 When I was nine or 7 or whenever I learned to make friends. I gifted them things until their parents told them not to take it. I made a girl’s nose bleed for being too nice and getting too close. There’s not much in between. 

Lately I feel like I’ve abandoned a few very old friends. I knew this streamer from like ten years ago when he was in a band streaming on app called Live Me. Last night he was making fun of me and calling me out for wrong reasons, muted me on his stream... I was right about my facts. He was rude. I told him that the fuck with him, ban me everywhere, I’m savage and always right and an apology won’t cut it (his bullshit?). I had just gifted him groceries through his wishlist on Amazon. Apparently last attempt for him to not be crazy toward me.

I also made up shit for my previously secret lover to abandon me as well. I’ve been months without any message from him. He was fucking with girls younger than me and I saw how disgusted I was. 

Those two are the main ones really. Substitute for them I have to find. I felt like a big part of me had left. Daily chatting with these Californians. I guess I have to brainwash myself into using Finnish instead?

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