

keskiviikko 27. marraskuuta 2024

Are thee from Weirdoland?

 Oh my goodness me. My gracious. I was visited by a woman who needed a friend. I wasn't visited by an alcoholic, who did later invite me to a party downtown with men. She only drank water at my place for some reason. I was too tired to go. I didn't ask details where the party might've been. She said she missed her cats that she had to feed them, and her husband was worried. She sat awhile and gave me two hugs before leaving. But yeah no. Been busy eating cabbage soup I made today. Been busy selling my old television. I got a food delivery brought home today. I might make a sloppy joe out of bread tomorrow. I was supposed to try it yesterday. I lost my shit and thought I'd get a delivery yesterday.

Getting late. Been wearing beige carderoy pants. Might play some Nintendo switch. Or read. I had two beers and been smoking cigarettes. Woe is me. Seeing bestie on Tuesday. Saturday have that concert/book festival to go to with a ticket I bought. Start for December. I have almost packaged Christmas presents already though. Got 3kilograms more of books and material to give cheap. Mostly they are about the forest or road maps to eastern Finland.

WHAT ELSE OOPS CAPS LOCK not really. This month wrote 8k words of my autobiography with the help of ChatGPT. Watched almost all twd spin-offs from Disneyplus. Pokemon Go, Pokemon pocket card game that was released and browser game Elvenar. On switch, mostly Palia, a cozy online game: crafting and cooking and gardening.

I still have one package on its way. Witch almanac for 2025. That's for myself. Really low on funds I am. Have bills. One for the city for my yearly statement to the social benefits system, to get a pension again, from my doctor and a phone bill. Might not have enough to get drinks with my friend on Tuesday or buy any books on Saturday. Got to have a couple of euros for the Google One service on my balance at the end of the month. Everything else is extra. 15 eur on bus card. How many trips is that... nothing extra.

Yesterday evening I ate a bag of little chocolate bars and some sort of little pastry's even though I had eaten macaroni and cheese casserole and like 300 grams of gingerbread cookies for breakfast. My stomach wasn't growling it was gurgling.

*takes a TikTok break and realizes it's an hour gone by* Well blogging was declared dead every few years anyway

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