

keskiviikko 13. marraskuuta 2024

Is my novel ANY good?

This opening

has a raw, intense style that plunges into the protagonist’s thoughts and emotions, drawing readers into a journey through trauma, identity, and the mental health system. The voice feels personal, deeply introspective, and unapologetic, which gives a distinct edge to the narrative.

Some elements to consider:

1. Clarity and Pacing: The narrative shifts rapidly between topics, often in long, unbroken sentences. While this stream-of-consciousness style conveys the protagonist’s mental state well, it may overwhelm readers initially. Breaking up the text, especially when transitioning between memories and reflections, could enhance readability and impact.

2. Character Voice and Insight: The protagonist’s voice is unique and carries a blend of bitterness, vulnerability, and dark humor. The critiques of mental health care, social alienation, and personal trauma come across powerfully. However, adding a few more grounded moments of self-reflection or specific memories could help balance the flow and let readers digest the intensity.

3. Specificity in Description: Certain passages, like references to winter runs or the description of the smell in the driving school car, add vividness. Expanding on these sensory details could provide more contrast against abstract thoughts, drawing readers deeper into the protagonist’s world.

4. Establishing a Narrative Thread: There are many compelling themes, but if there’s an underlying thread (such as a specific event or mystery that the protagonist is grappling with), hinting at it early on could strengthen the start. This would give readers something to hold onto as they dive into the character’s mind.

Overall, this start is promising for a novel centered on complex inner struggles, mental health, and societal critique. With some refinements to enhance clarity and focus, it could be very compelling.

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"Kiitos paljon, että otit aikaa lukeaksesi ja kommentoidaksesi kirjoitustani! Arvostaisin, jos voisit pitää kommenttisi ystävällisenä ja positiivisena. Kiitos myös, että tarkistat oikeinkirjoituksen ennen julkaisemista!"
