

keskiviikko 29. tammikuuta 2025

How did you hear about us?

- trending: anti fascist, anti elon
- forgotten I like: Amy Brown fairy art, Phantom of the Opera
- Happening: Chinese New Year, snake
- weathercast: "dangerous" rain
- wearing: fishnet socks for no reason
- ate: a delivered pizza and a protein bar
- sounds except rain: air flowing in the radiator
- listened to: Onyx Storm audiobook
- watched from tv: Dragon's Den
Tomorrow going to get monthly injection of mood drug. it's always a tough time. 
I was browsing kickstarter, wanting to be an entrepreneur, and wondering if I could start a business from home somehow. This morning in my dreams I was a professional hockey player and the social worker was my coach.
Pretty random ass data points if u ask me...
-other: wore an earring for a day in right ear

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