

maanantai 13. tammikuuta 2025

moots, moods and modes

 Special post to reminiscence all the men who've blocked me 

(without all the picking up the pieces by professionals)

Let's just say I have daddy issues. Some guy from New York started defamating me with swear words, and saying I had a special relationship with food. He'd lost 100 lbs himself apparently. Dunno why my weight was the issue. I was gifting him facebook stars. Just mentioned how many people quit livestreaming. He took it personally.

Then there was this trubadour whose born in Latin America and I did send him a frivolous message on discord after my mom and I made a fool of ourselves on his gig one time. He blocked me truly everywhere pretty quick. I felt kinda savage.

I asked the this same kind of a block frenzy from a streamer in California I'd known like almost ten years on his streams and gifted him a lot, even a recent Amazon snacks order. He did it after muting me on his stream. I was throwing about facts I had about some dental history, then he did mute and blocked all over and removed me from his friends.

Now today some random English tutor/teacher appeared on my screen and I remembered him from his previous live... he told where he was from but not sure if it was Poland or something and then *block finger* apparently taking feedback from AI and not wanting ever to sound native, are something I really have to think on..?

Why am I Satan? Is it too much to accomodate me anywhere

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