

sunnuntai 5. tammikuuta 2025

suck your own tongue your biglip-ness necessarily ily just.. brb

 Be the coz in someone's becoz. Don't cuz, it's all pesos. What happens if you 'cause it? No one's going to bespoke of it.

and in other news, I was reminescensing that uh, because is shortened 'Cause and not coz or cuz for that matter. So ssorry for the s/z problem I carnt, my Big mooft wornt zaye it. oh ah. Yo I am sick with their language learning, coz everyone is duumed. Finnish will die. Finnish shall be finito. and it's because of alien immigrannies oh ok I maybe the last one up...

Finish strong and finish kind, let love hanging. Therefore you are, since you ponder. Wonder why, yesterday you... it's all in the yester' yay

It would be good normally but not when youre in a dentist chair and they be sucking your saliva away so they can do their jobs. 

Anywaysson oolraidi. Got an alert that this gay famöös pers-eion, nah you see hadn't played a game for a while then had to go live, yet I hadn't seen once his gameplay except remember reading his blogger blog before I had one. Giving his affiliate links to some brand no longer existcíon~ß

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