

sunnuntai 2. helmikuuta 2025

Do humans mate for life or is it a monkey thing?

Book Review: Ten Ways to Find Love and How to Keep It by Dr. Lisa Portolan

I was excited to start this book, having received an ARC, but I found myself rushing to the end because publishing date loomed. Dr. Lisa Portolan explores modern dating, particularly the role of apps, with some historical context and a necessary final word on love. However, the pop culture references—like Jane Austen characters and Han Solo—felt forced, and the relationship advice was mostly common sense, lacking depth on key aspects like sacrifice or making a partner’s life easier.

Having read academic takes on love before, including books that frame it as a mental illness (Love Sick), I expected more insight. Instead, this felt light and self-absorbed. If anything, it didn’t help me understand an Australian guy I know any better.

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"Kiitos paljon, että otit aikaa lukeaksesi ja kommentoidaksesi kirjoitustani! Arvostaisin, jos voisit pitää kommenttisi ystävällisenä ja positiivisena. Kiitos myös, että tarkistat oikeinkirjoituksen ennen julkaisemista!"
