

perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2025

If you knew you never knew

 Wasting my time… I don’t need a new head and body. I wasn’t worrying about my eyes. I just think brown contact lenses is a waste on my beautiful grey eyes. There is nothing wrong with me. If I’m so recognizable why can’t you see your fatphobia and misogyny.

Ordered a few Lush®️products online today. Went to a liquor store. Bought a regular new pillow. Got a hug outside the grocery market by a familiar nurse.

Getting ready for my ex bestie coming to visit my flat tomorrow and stay over. Wish we didn’t fight. Wish she wasn’t so loud and aggressive. She has a problem. She can turn on her charm to get me to agree to meet with her. It’s always the same result.

My life fate is worse than I thought it could be. Being stuck with the only friend with whom we hate each other. With a family that spites me. 100 tears, or 10 hours of crying. Nobody cares. It’s just mean comments everywhere I can look.

I do need liquid calories. There’s a sweet spot when I just want to lie down and fall asleep.

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