Those defining moments in your life, when you realize things and it's already so late. Who you've hurt, who you've used, watched yourself get... I wanna say abused, but everyone has a part to play, right? Everyone in your life teaches you something. There's always someone who has it worse than yourself. Wise words. I am attuned now to the wisdom of Snake Year 2025. Nothing truly matters. Except maybe for gardening, and even that isn't so important. Everyone has a satellite location locator device within their grasp, and the modern life is dependant on the microchips that's been produced in super big and clinical factories. Data centers that take up cooling water more than water in where ever they pop up. Cost of having all of humanity's wisdom there. A tap away. Move your finger and absorb it. More things to get dependent on. Just another simulated reality to get stimulated of...
I am diagnosing myself a bit ad/hd lately. I just don't give a fuck about details and persnickety facts. Years, you know the picture. I can't unhear the irrevelancy of my own thoughts while immersed in listening to the still quiet of information. Analyse what I hear, dissect it, categorize it, recklessly forget some parts. Move a bit away from things you aren't just guessing based on context... ah yes, memory!
Destined to shake up the world but brain won't weigh enough in my skull, cuz the mood disorder drugs proven not to work have been doing havoc instead, of rid me of delusions- or amplifying my abilities.
Never have I ever wished to die in the past if you look into and deeper into it. I'm the winning sperm. I wasn't supposed to be cringe and follow tradition from dead people, social norms and traditions and custom. I can't just fantasize, fetishize, with perversion be a hard working genius hero to look up to on a pedestal with my obsessive lust and wonder what else I can advantage from my lesser beings such as resources to grab and poke every crevice, with the end that's for all of being.
Anyways. Don't care. Might unpublish later. Nothing is original or yours. Simply prove PROBLEMS without accepting award. Someone will always take care of you, since no one is left behind, but don't expect anyone to save you. Happy? Happy, savvy. Happiness is as a happy penis does, err... sache la verite. Then go wank. What in the gods name? *hands billowing to the heavens, faces reflecting from the floor* Doing here again exactly what am I again? Glance. Do I look that mentally ill, or has it just been slowly a degrading process for me to regress?
Albeit white, thou shall not want to comment on my business. It's too far stretched, too hard to philosophize. Not difficult, I'm just being repulsive and distancing. I was doing social distance when it wasn't even... socialis separatio *thinks back on current political atmosphere again of fascist pigs and virtuous men's faces on bills* Dirty dollar, another day. just kidding. I reproduce asexually as do my thoughts. Let's face the pillow again soon. Been distracting myself from my mean mean Faryngalgia Unilateralis Idiopathica Maladie du Blowjobitis Sinister. Also known as f*cked raw, spoiled, if I'd known I wouldn't have. So? Stupidity is endless but empathy, ethics and eventuality. A gross margin. A thumb in the butt when you have a hiccup. The twilight zone of passion's blind spot. All in all, it's just another binary riddles to solve. Waiter, there's a fly in my word salad. Bye.
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